Tuesday 31 May 2011

UT Level 1 sample question set 1

Level 1 - 40 Questions (Set 1)
Ultrasonic Testing Method (General)

1. A device that transforms electrical pulses into mechanical and vice versa utilizes:
     a. Snell's law
     b. piezoelectric principles
     c. mode conversion principles
     d. none of the above

2. Another name for Fresnel zone is:
     a. Fraunhoferzone
     b. near field
     c. far field
     d. Torrid zone

3. Attenuation is a:
     a. test display characteristic
     b. test material parameter
     c. transducer characteristic
     d. form of testing

4.  “25 million cycles per second” can also be stated as:
     a. 25 kHz
     b. 2500 kHz
     c. 25 MHz
     d. 25 nHz

5.  Moving a transducer over a test surface either manually or automatically is referred to as:
     a. scanning
     b. attenuating
     c. angulating
     d. resonating

6.  A term used in ultrasonic to express the rate at which sound wave pass trough various substances is:
     a. frequency
     b. velocity
     c. wavelength
     d. pulse length

7.  The indication on the instrument display that represents the far boundary of the material being tested is called:
     a. hash
     b. the initial pause
     c. the main bang
     d. the back surface reflection

8.  Sweep range echo amplitude display on CRT is an illustration of a typical for:
     a. A-scan presentation
     b. B-scan presentation
     c. C-scan presentation
     d. D-scan presentation

9.  Plan View mapping showing variation of thickness is an illustration of a typical:
     a. A-scan presentation
     b. B-scan presentation
     c. C-scan presentation
     d. D-scan presentation

10.Cross-section of weld display on CRT is an illustration of a typical:
a. A-scan presentation
b. B-scan presentation
c. C-scan presentation
d. D-scan presentation

11. An ultrasonic testing technique in which the transducer element is not parallel to the test surface is called:
     a. angle beam testing
     b. immersion testing
     c. contact testing
     d. through-transmission testing

12.  Most commercial ultrasonic testing is accomplished using frequencies between:
     a. 1 and 25 kHz
     b. 1 and 1 000 kHz
     c. 0.2 and 25 MHz
     d. 15 and 100 MHz

13.  In an A-scan presentation, the horizontal base line represents:
     a. the amount of reflected ultrasonic sound energy
b. the distance traveled by the transducer
     c. the elapsed time or distance
     d. none of the above

14.  The process of comparing an instrument or device with a standard is called:
     a. angulation
     b. calibration
     c. attenuation
     d. correlation

15. Another name for a compressional wave is:
     a. Lamb wave
     b. shear wave
     c. longitudinal wave
     d. transverse wave

16. Another name for Rayleigh waves is:
     a. shear waves
     b. longitudinal waves
     c. transverse waves
     d. surface waves

17. A material used between the face of a transducer and the test surface to permit or improve
the transmission of ultrasonic vibrations from the transducer to the material being tested is called:
     a. a wetting agent
     b. a couplant
     c. an acoustic transmitter
     d. a lubricant

18. Ultrasonic testing of material where the transducer is in direct contact with the material being
      tested may be:
     a. straight beam testing
     b. surface wave testing
     c. angle beam testing
     d. all of the above

19.  The velocity of surface waves is approximately ___________ the velocity of shear waves in the same material
     a. two times
     b. four times
     c. 1/2
     d. 9/10

20.  Under most circumstances, which of the following frequencies would result in the best resolving power?
     a. 1 MHz
     b. 5 MHz
     c.  l0MHz
     d.  25MHz

21.  In contact testing, the entry surface indication is sometimes referred to as:
     a. the initial pulse
     b. the back reflection
     c. the skip distance
     d. the scan path

22.  When the motion of the particles of a medium is parallel to the direction of propagation, the wave being transmitted is called a:
     a. longitudinal wave
     b. shear wave
     c. surface wave
     d. lamb wave

23.  When the motion of the particles of a medium is transverse to the direction of propagation, the wave being transmitted is called a:
     a. longitudinal wave
     b. shear wave
     c. surface wave
     d. Lamb wave

24.  A piezoelectric material can:
     a. convert a longitudinal beam to a shear wave
     b. convert an mechanical energy to electrical energy
     c. create ionization in a test specimen
     d. produce sound waves in a coaxial cable

25.  The velocity of sound waves is primarily dependent on:
     a. the pulse length
     b. the angle of incidence
     c. the material, material thickness, and UT frequency (time between
         signals on the display)
     d. none of the above

26.  The primary purpose of reference blocks is to:
     a. aid the operator in obtaining maximum back reflections
     b. obtain the greatest sensitivity possible from an instrument
     c. obtain a common reproducible signal
     d. none of the above

27.  When testing by the surface wave method, patches of oil or dirt on the surface may:
     a. block the progress of all sound
     b. attenuate the sound
     c. have no effect on the test
     d. cause both an attenuation of sound and indications on the screen

28.  The piezoelectric material in the transducer:
     a. converts electrical energy into sound
     b. converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
     c. eliminates the signal-to-noise energy
     d. produces high speed electrons in metals

29.  The angle of incidence is:
     a. greater than the angle of reflection
     b. less than the angle of reflection
     c. equal to the angle of reflection
     d. not related to the angle of reflection

30.  The gradual loss of sonic energy as the ultrasonic vibrations travel through the material is referred to as:
     a. reflection
     b. refraction
     c. reproducibility
     d. attenuation

31.  When testing a plate, increasing the frequency of an ultrasonic longitudinal wave results in:
     a. an increase in its velocity
     b. a decrease in its velocity
     c. no change in its velocity
     d. a reversal in its velocity

32.  The depth of a discontinuity cannot be determined when using the:
     a. straight beam testing method
     b. through-transmission testing method
     c. angle beam testing method
     d. immersion testing method

33.  "100 000 cycles per second" can be written:
     a. 0.1 kHz
     b. 10 kHz
     c. 100 kHz
     d. 100 MHz

34.  The phenomenon whereby an ultrasonic wave changes direction when the wave crosses a boundary between materials with different velocities is called :
     a. refraction
     b. reflection
     c. penetration
     d. rarefaction

35.  In a test where the transducer is not perpendicular to the inspection surface, the angle of incidence is equal to :
     a. the angle of refraction
     b. the angle of reflection
     c. the shear wave angle
     d. half the shear wave angle

36.  Ultrasonic waves that travel along the surface of a material and whose particle motion is elliptical are called:
     a. shear waves
     b. transverse waves
     c. longitudinal wave
     d. Rayleigh waves

37.  The interference field near the face of a transducer is often referred to as the:
     a. Fresnel zone
     b. acoustic impedance
     c. exponential field
     d. phasine zone

38.  When the incident angle is chosen to be between the first and second critical angles, the ultrasonic wave mode within the part will be a:
     a. longitudinal wave
     b. shear wave
     c. surface wave
     d. Lamb wave

39.  The formula used to calculate the angle of refraction within a material is called :
     a. Fresnel's law
     b. Fraunhofer's law
     c. Snell's law
     d. Lamb’s law

40. In a material with a given velocity, when frequency is increased, the wavelength will:
     a. not be affected
     b. increase
     c. decrease
     d. double




  1. Thank you! Refreshing myself with these questions.

  2. thank you a lot for being awakened again

  3. thank you a lot for being awakened again

  4. Good , better for Level 1 operator

  5. Thank you sir very important questions for Level-1

  6. Hindi and Marathi Mai questions dale sir

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Questions 25, 26 ,27 answers are wrong here According to ASNT.
    25 should be D
    26 should be C
    27 should be D

  9. Thanks for this blog, it is very much helping on my studies
